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Learn a little more about Zolutium™

Resource, Testimonials and Medial Center

We share some success stories, testimonials, media articles and valuable resources.


Interview in

We invite you to watch our Forbes interview where our CEO, Pablo Stefano Díaz Galiano, explains how Zolutium is helping thousands of businesses thanks to artificial intelligence applied to selling, serving and scheduling through WhatsApp, Social Networks and Calls.


Article in

Read the article published by Forbes, the most important business magazine worldwide, on its official website

Success stories

Martina's Testimony

Martina tells us how thanks to Zolutium her business now schedules automatically 24/7


Article in Yahoo Finance

Read the article that Yahoo Finance has published about Zolutium on its official website


Podcast in

Listen to the official Forbes Podcast with our CEO, Pablo Stefano Díaz Galiano.


Article in Business Insider

Read the article that Business Insider has published about Zolutium on its official website


Printed Magazine

It has been a real honor for us to be published in the Forbes print magazine, edition "Zero Excuses" No. 20.


Article in Market Watch

Read the article that Market Watch has published about Zolutium on its official website


Social Media

Check out the Forbes article on Instagram where a little more of our story is shared and how Zolutium was born.

Success stories

Dr. Bayer's Testimony

In this testimony, Dr. Bayer from Peru tells us how happy he is to implement AI in his processes.


Article in Bezinga

Read the article that Benzinga has published about Zolutium on its official website


We are passionate about helping

Zolutium was born and has the main purpose of helping businesses around the world


Article in AP News

Read the article that AP News has published about Zolutium on its official website

Success stories

Enzo's Testimony

In this testimonial, Enzo tells us how we have improved his sales by centralizing everything in a single app.


Article in Nebraska News

Read the article that Nebraska News has published about Zolutium on its official website


100% Guarantee

We are so confident in our results, that we are willing to give you a 100% guarantee.


Article in MorningStar

Read the article that MorningStar has published about Zolutium on its official website

Success stories

Bruno's Testimony

Bruno tells us how Zolutium's mobile and web app has helped him optimize his sales and processes.


Unlimited users

We are a true solution, that is why you will have totally unlimited users and contacts, without extra costs.

Success stories

Valentina's Testimony

Valentina tells us how managing her sales, tasks and follow-ups is now much more dynamic.

Success stories

AI Messaging

Here you can see some examples where AI serves, schedules and sells on autopilot.

Success stories

Leo's Testimony

Leo tells us how implementing Zolutium has made a before and after for his company.


Meet Amy

In this interactive video you can see how Amy benefits from Zolutium.

Success stories

Holdaz's Testimony

In this testimony, our client tells us how they previously had to pay for more than 7 software programs to get a solution.


Grow your business

In this video we show you how you are going to centralize your entire business in a single app.

Success stories

Chris's Testimony

Chris tells us how happy he is right now with Zoltuium's automations.


Centralize Processes

Learn about all the features that will take your business to the next level.

Success stories

Calls with AI

Here you can see some examples where AI serves, schedules and sells on autopilot.


Close Sales with Zolutium

We show you how to attract customers, how to close those sales and how to retain them month after month.

Success stories

Chrystal's Testimony

Find out how impressed our client is with Zolutium's Artificial Intelligence.


Increase your sales

Get all the tools you need to increase sales month after month.


Welcome to Zolutium

We will explain all aspects of Zolutium in a few minutes. You will have a comprehensive overview of our solution.

Success stories
Success stories

WhatsApp with AI

Here you can see some examples where AI serves, schedules and sells on autopilot.


Take Control

We show you how you will automate your sales and take full control of your business with Zolutium.